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Why You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney

Aloha. If you are considering filing bankruptcy, you should strongly consider having a bankruptcy attorney by your side in this serious legal matter that can either get you completely debt-free or, if not done correctly, deeper into financial difficulty. Here's why professional representation matters: Expert Guidance: Bankruptcy laws are complex and can vary from state to state. A bankruptcy attorney who has filed thousands of cases knows the ins and outs of these laws and can guide you through the process smoothly. They will help you understand your best options, whether it is filing for Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or exploring alternatives. Personalized...

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Thinking About Filing Bankruptcy?

Introduction: Filing for bankruptcy is a weighty decision that can significantly and positively affect your financial future. It requires careful planning. It is crucial to understand the specific considerations and implications that apply in each individual situation. In this article, we will explore some important factors to consider before filing for bankruptcy in the Aloha State. Understand Exemptions; Choosing Hawaii or Federal Before proceeding with bankruptcy, it is essential to decide which exemptions to elect. Depending on your facts it is critical to choose which exemptions best fit for you Consulting with a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney who understands Hawaii's unique legal landscape provides...

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Types of Unsecured Debt

In bankruptcy proceedings, debts are categorized based on their priority and secured status. Priority unsecured debt and general unsecured debt are two different classifications that determine the order in which creditors are paid back during the bankruptcy process. Here is a breakdown of the differences: Priority Unsecured Debt: Priority unsecured debt refers to debts that are considered more important or "prioritized" than other unsecured debts when it comes to repayment in a bankruptcy case. These debts have a higher legal ranking and must be paid before general unsecured debts. Priority unsecured debts are usually related to specific types of obligations established...

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What Is An Order For Relief In Bankruptcy

An order for relief in bankruptcy refers to a court-issued order that initiates the bankruptcy process for an individual or entity. It is typically granted by a bankruptcy court in response to a bankruptcy petition filed by the debtor or their creditors. When a debtor files for bankruptcy under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, they submit a petition to the bankruptcy court. Once filed the Court it issues an order for relief. The order for relief has several significant effects: Automatic stay: Upon the issuance of an order for relief, an automatic stay goes into effect....

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A Fresh Start is Accomplished Through Bankruptcy Exemptions

Exemptions in bankruptcy are provisions that allow debtors to protect certain assets from being liquidated to pay off their debts. These exemptions provide a fresh start by folks can and do retain essential property and belongings necessary for a reasonable standard of living and enabling them to rebuild their financial lives after bankruptcy. Here's how exemptions provide a fresh start in bankruptcy: Asset protection: Exemptions typically cover essential assets such as a primary residence, personal vehicles, necessary clothing, household goods, tools of the trade, retirement accounts, certain bank deposits, and public benefits. By exempting these assets, debtors can keep them even after...

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Are Tax Debts Dischargeable in Bankruptcy

The dischargeability of tax debts in bankruptcy depends on various factors, including the type of tax debt, the age of the debt, and the specific bankruptcy chapter filed. Generally, income tax debts may be dischargeable in bankruptcy, but certain criteria must be met. Income tax debts can be discharged in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies if they meet the following requirements: The tax debt must be related to income taxes. Other types of taxes, such as payroll taxes are typically not dischargeable. The tax return must have been due at least three years before the bankruptcy filing date. The tax return must...

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